Our School
Mother of God School is a small school where everyone is known by name. We are proud of our programs and new facilities and technologies, but we are most proud of the delightful young people who help make our school a great place to come every day.
Mother of God is one of two Catholic Schools in the parish of Albion, and was established in 1955 by the Brigidine Sisters. Although there is no longer a Brigidine presence on staff, the Brigidine Core Values continue to guide our ethos. Our Moral Purpose also guides all that we do.
We work closely with the wider parish communities of Mother of God Ardeer, Queen of Heaven Ardeer and St Theresa’s Albion and ensure that all we do is informed by Gospel values.
We provide a broad and rigorous learning and teaching program, focused on the needs of the individual child. We invest important time in the planning and resourcing of Literacy and Numeracy programs that support and extend our students. We utilize the Inquiry Learning model to ensure that learning is life-centered and that students take responsibility for their own learning.